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Fall Basic Skills Intensive

Blikberget, Norway 

750 Euros/ 8,500 NOK

Contact to register

Fall Basic Skills Intensive

focuses on Stone, Bone, Wood, Fiber and Fire adapted to the season

Gain relationship, skills and insights as you connect with the elements.

The Basic skills intensive is an introductory skills class that will introduce and explore elemental alchemy. This class can be continued as the November Mini Immersion.

We will learn:

Stone working techniques creating knife blades, skinning tools and other tools from flint and local lithic materials.

Bone working techniques making sewing awls and needles, knives and other tools.

Wood working techniques creating eating utensils, spoons or bowls

Fiber working techniques from plant and animal sources for cordage and bindings.

Adhesives from plant and animal sources.

Fire making techniques including bow drill, hand drill and percussion fire.

Tracking and trailing.


This class has a strong emphasis on Stone Age technology though we may also use modern tools.

Using our heads and hands we will create a number of useful items such as stone blades, bone awls and needles,  rope and cordage, glue sticks and shelters.

With our hearts and voices we will weave an unforgettable story that you will carry for a lifetime.

The focus of this class is on Stone Age techniques but if you are new to these skills we will also give an introduction to metal knife, saw and axe use, safety and maintenance.

Though suitable for beginners even seasoned outdoors enthusiasts will learn many tricks and nuances in the use of these natural materials.

Food expenses are included and will be purchased before the class. (Please bring 1000 NOK of the class fee in cash to cover breakfast and dinner expenses)

Students should bring their own snack lunches that can be packed for excursions and do not require cooking.

October 1

Winter Internships

November 1

November Mini Immersion