“Lithic - of the nature of or pertaining to Stone
Paleolithic- Old Stone Age
Mesolithic- Middle Stone Age
Neolithic- New Stone Age
Lithica- Land of the Stone
Lithican - People of the Stone.For millennia human beings walked the earth as hunter gatherers, peoples of the Stone Age”
The rewilding humans project
For millennia human beings walked the earth as hunter gatherers, people of the Stone Age. A mere 10,000 years ago a great change occurred by which the roaming gradually ceased and agriculture took a foothold allowing storage of food and subsequent population growth. In the last century, industrialisation of most of the world has led to an unbalanced relationship between species and life supporting systems. Today we see the accumulated effects of this trajectory and digitalisation stealthily, silently and invisibly disrupts the magnetic forces of the Earth itself.
Many years ago I began to ask myself “Why do we continue to separate ourselves from nature and the wild when it is so obvious that we cannot exist without it? Why do we push indigenous peoples out of their homelands that they have successfully ’managed’ on their own to create wildlife preservations devoid of the last wild humans?”
What would happen if we could protect large tracts of land from further exploitation and allow the species on it to find their natural rhythm? What would happen if we would allow modern people to start to live there, reintegrating themselves as rewilded humans; People of the Stone? I have not been alone in this speculation and as concern grows for the wellbeing of the planet and all its inhabitants many protective measures are being implemented to slow and halt the destruction but the separation of humans and the wild continues to grow, further isolating us from our natural place within the web of life.
Together with a number of other Stone Age practitioners and enthusiasts throughout Europe the concept of Lithica- Rewilding Humans has finally birthed. In cooperation with Living Wild school and other schools, programs and associations around Europe, the new Lithicans are ready to promote our vision of a world in which wild and rewilded humans may once again take their place in a wild and rewilded land. We recognise that this is a process and invite you to assist us as members, donators and supporters.
We have created an association in Norway in order accept financial assistance in the form of grants, private donations and crowd funding. We are looking for properties to purchase in Northern and Southern Europe and are currently exploring options in Norway. We invite you to get involved, visit: lithica.earth

To achieve the missions of rewilding land and people, education and research, Lithica’s current project goal is the legal purchase of a large tract of land through private and grant donations, crowd funding and memberships.
The land must have clean drinkable water in the form of springs, lakes, streams and/or rivers. It may be inland or coastal, with mountainous or undulating terrain, mixed forests, meadow lands and existing biodiversity. It may have parts that have been exploited and need tending and rewilding. Ideally it will be located adjacent to a national park or another kind of protected area to increase the available, continuous wild habitat for plants, animals and fungi.
We are primarily focusing to purchase land in Southern or Northern Europe, specifically in France/Spain/Portugal or Norway/Sweden/Finland.
The purchase of land is vital to move to the next phase: to actively start rewilding humans.