Living Wild is a small school that started in North Central Washington in 2011, it grew out of The Four Seasons Prehistoric Projects that originated in Montana 2001 when Lynx decided to take one step further, bringing people into a closer connection with nature that couldn't be done in just a day or two.
Primitive Living Skills
Basic skills; fire making & bindings
Stone flakes & fire kits
Wild edible & medicinal plants
Large animal processing
Bow and arrow making
Hunting & trapping methods
Fishing techniques
Hide tanning & rawhide
Clothing & moccasin making
Stone & bone tools
Horse riding, packing and driving
Basketry & pottery
Teaching bow drill
Ecology & nature awareness
Our goal is to offer high quality instruction in Stone Age living skills to give people the confidence to live in the wilderness simply yet comfortably.
We are experienced and passionate about
not just teaching the skills but making them a part of our daily life. This school is not our job; it's our way of life. We live simply, wear buckskin clothing, and eat wild foods, searching to live in a sustainable, respectful manner.
We have found over the years that the Stone Age skills that we teach are just a little piece of the puzzle that represents what we believe is our true humanity. The focus on community building, gratitude and grief tending and connecting with our ancestors all play a part, together with hands on skills to create the world we want to live in.
We offer small classes limited to 10-15 participants so that people can get the individual attention necessary to learn the skills effectively.
We've spent a long time thinking about the sequences of skills taught in our classes so that you can experience how the tools you make are used in their appropriate context. For instance, we will teach you how to make stone tools, then let you use them in a variety of tasks throughout the rest of classes so that you can test their effectiveness when used properly.
“After one week of Winter Skills with Lynx and her team I came home refreshed, with a great, relaxed mood, full of new energy and motivation!”
-P.L (Germany) Winter Skills intensive 2024
“One month of very hard work transforming skins, getting to know new parts of myself, falling asleep with birdsong. I learnt a great overview of hide tanning methods and living outside. Thanks”
-R.B (Canada) Hide Tanning Mini Immersion 2022
"Thank you so much for a wonderful, life-building, life-changing experience. This time has been so valuable to me on so many levels. The full circle of learning about and experiencing wild plants as food."
-M.K. Wild Edible Plants class 2012
"I love this school! This is the best school! I've been waiting for 10 years to find something like this."
- R.B. Participant in the 2009 project.
"Lynx is the best teacher I've ever had. I don't know anyone else who has her knowledge and experience in primitive living skills and who teaches with such patience, kindness, and passion. Mostly, I like the fact that she never sits around while giving us tasks to do; she is always there doing whatever we're doing with us and we can model ourselves on her. There is no doubt in my mind that in the future there will be legends told of a mystical Lynx who inspired human beings to reconnect with the earth by recovering ancestral skills. The future generations will be thankful, just as I am."
-X. de la F. (France) Participant in the 2009 project.
Lynx is an amazing teacher. Her insightfulness and practice with primitive technology is more than I expected. She uses our ancestors' knowledge and applies it to her everyday living. Her method to educate in a very hands-on, detailed, wilderness classroom, is highly recommended for anybody pursuing self-sufficiency and/or primitive living skills."
-K.S. Participant in the 2009 project.
"It was truly an amazing experience. Everything we learned was hands-on so I really felt like I got to learn the skills in a practical way so I can replicate them anytime I want. This was an experience I'll never forget."
-A.C. Participant in the 2009 Basic Skills class.
"It doesn't get much better than this"
- K.S. Participant in 2007 classes.
"Thank you for teaching me wondrous things that I will carry with me. I leave with a full cup, a head full of wild ideas and inspiration, and a heavy heart. Many thanks for imparting knowledge of these endangered arts with lots of style and infinite patience."
- F.S. Participant in the 2007 project.
Contact Info
I'd love to hear from you.
If I'm not out in the wilderness I'll do my best to get back to you as soon as I can.
Feel free to inquire about joining one of my classes, consulting on your next film, or sharing some of your adventures.