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Winter Internships

Blikberget, Norway

300 Euros per month

(plus winter classes at half price)


Lynx is interested in having a few interns over the winter months to join her living simply at her homestead.

This serene and quiet environment is the perfect place and winter is the perfect season for deep introspection and dreaming.

Lynx enjoys building a small clan or community to experience this. You will be expected to pay for your own food and travel and make a contribution of 300 Euros per month. This includes dormitory living space, electricity, firewood and cooking gas & equipment.

There is space for up to 6 interns at a time. If you are an Immersion student you will be offered priority,

There is no running water or

indoor plumbing but we have a

wood fired sauna…

and a cold plunge in the creek afterwards to make you feel alive - and stay clean!

She will not be teaching a regular class format, but sharing her unique lifestyle with you.

If there are classes running during your stay, you are welcome to join these classes at half price.

This opportunity is for cat lovers!

Meet Aslak and Niila

…And horses

We are regularly working, playing and using the horses to help us around the place if you are interested in learning about horse behaviour and gentle training methods.

Meet Karma, Idunn and Baldur

You are requested to participate in general chores on the farm for approximately 5 hours per week. This may include animal care, firewood and general maintenance.

We ask you to commit to at least 1 month.

This will opportunity will be primarily open to past students and LWS participants, please email us if you are interested explaining why you would like to join, and where you would be traveling from. It is important that you are at ease in winter living conditions.

September 24


November 1

Fall Basic Skills Intensive