November Mini Immersion
Blikberget, Norway
special price 1500 Euros/ 15,000 NOK
Contact to register
Come join us for a pre-winter
skills immersion. Participate in the seasonal shift while we delve deeply into skills and sharing
This class starts with the Basic skills class and continues throughout the rest of the month!
Shelter building
Fire making
Fur tanning
Carving cups and bowls and utensils
Horse riding and training
flute making
Felting boots and mittens
Fat lamps and torches
Stories, music and singing
The classes will be on an informal schedule, depending on priorities, weather, circumstance and availability of materials. During the month we will become a small clan and find that there are many more secrets to unravel in community living!
Class costs include supplies unless otherwise specified but NOT food. An additional 1000 NOK should be brought in the national currency for breakfast and dinners for the first week of Basic skills that are cooked by participants on a rotational basis. Students should bring their own snack lunches that can be packed for excursions and do not require cooking.
At the Living Wild school in Norway we have accommodations in the community space and workshop where you can stay warm and comfortable while working on projects during the long evenings. This class is open to beginners or seasoned practitioners of wilderness skills.