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March 14- 20
Blikberget, Norway 
600 EUR / 6,000 NOK

Contact to register

In this class you get to learn and/or refine archery and trapping skills in a fun and informative way as we explore techniques for effective hunting of large and small game. Bring your own bow from home or the bow making class or contact us if you wish to borrow a bow. Class content includes;

Archery techniques
Finger tabs and arm guards
Dead fall traps and snares
Tracking and trailing

Techniques only- no animals will be hunted or trapped

This coming year at Living Wild school we have a full schedule of classes and a summer immersion to explore the wild Northern lands while learning and sharing the skills of our ancestors adapted to this environment. The programs offered between October and May can be experienced as single or multiple classes while staying at the school site in Norway. The summer immersion June 1- August 31 is for those who have a grounded base of Stone Age and wilderness skills and want to deepen their connection to the Earth, the clan and themselves. The summer will culminate in a proposed Stone Age project for those dedicated to prepare for a trip back in time, an other worldly adventure! 

Class costs include supplies unless otherwise specified but NOT food. An additional 100 euros should be brought in the national currency for breakfast and dinners that are cooked by participants on a rotational basis. Students should bring their own snack lunches that can be packed for excursions and do not require cooking.

February 28


April 1