By invitation only
Location to be decided
Free (you must have completed at least the Full Spring Immersion 2025 to be eligible and have the required gear list )
Here it is, the Stone Age Project 2025
Have you dreamed of being part of a clan that you know and trust, living with just the things you have made with your own hands from raw natural materials, heading off into the wilderness and seeing what it feels like to be completely immersed?
Gear list of required items
Buffalo or fur sleeping robe/ hand felted blanket
skin sleeping pad
Bark tan skin
Deerskin long sleeved outer garment
Deerskin short sleeved under garment
Deerskin long legged lower garment (leggings combo or pants)
High top moccasins
Fur or wool felt vest
Fur or wool felt hat
Fur or wool boots
Gloves or mittens
Neck warmer
Skin backpack or pack basket
Single or double clay cook pot
Water canteen (bladder, gourd etc)
Skin or bark food bags or baskets
Gathering basket
Tool container
Fat container
Eating bowl
Stone knife
Digging stick
Quick blades
Glues and bindings (hide glue, pitch glue, rawhide, plant fibre cordage etc)
Buckskin scraps
Bone repair tools awl, needle etc
Fat lamp
Friction/ percussion Fire kits
Fishing kit
Basic knapping kit
Weapons (optional):
Hunting equipment (bow and arrows/atl-atl and darts
(accoutrements; strings, guards, tabs, quiver etc)
Dried wild meat and/or fish 2.5 kg per adult
Rendered food grade wild fat 2 Liters per adult
(can be combined as pemmican)
Dried wild fruits or berries 1 kg per person
Group gear
Lithic cores obsidian/ chert or other durable material
Stone axe
Skin tarp or mats
Fish trap/net
Food drying trays/ winnowing basket
Menstrual pads
instruments: drums, flutes etc
Journals and writing implements
Camera (preferably designated talented photographer and camera to share)
Location topography maps
Modern equipment for trial period (optional)
Canvas tarp or tent
Steel or iron cooking pot
Steel knife and tools
Extra clothes or bedding (discreet colors and natural materials)
Sewing needles