Offering a brand new class concept!
Blikberget, Norway
750 Euros/ 8,500 NOK
Contact to register
As the longest night draws close we prepare ourselves for the coming year with ceremony song and thanksgiving
Making sound, song and music in the dark times.
Bringing dreams, desires and stories to life.
Sharing a lifestyle embracing community spirit.
Come and share your songs, create rhythm and instruments from the elemental sources of rock, stick, skin and bone.
Together we will sing and explore melody, harmony and percussion.
Giving thanks for the darkness and the return of the sun.
Percussion with rock, stick, bone and skin
Fat lamps and torches
Night walks
Solstice ceremony
Accommodations are simple; using both our community space with dorm room, kitchen and wood stove as well as our rustic outdoor camp.
Two meals are served each day (they are paleo diet based on local and wild meat with vegetables and other local foods.) Students should purchase snack lunches before arrival at the school.