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Autumn Skills - Intensive

Autumn Skills Class
650 Euros
Blikberget, Norway
To register contact

Join Lynx for a second week of skills and community building, exploring the lakes and gathering the last of the seeds and berries of the season.

This class will be a continuation on some introductory skills with many chances to deepen and put to use the skills learned in the Tool Maker (although it is not a prerequisite).

  • Fishing skills

  • Animal processing

  • Hide working

  • Edible & medicinal plants

  • Community building

  • Building shelters

This class can be connected with the Tool Maker, and students are welcome to stay on the property on the off week - some help around the farm will be required. There is also the opportunity for a longer open-ended stay into the fall and winter as Lynx wants to build a community that will continue improving the property, sharing songs, stories and knowledge. Please inquire if interested.

September 3

The Tool Maker - Intensive

October 21

Sheep Processing and Hide Tanning